Processing Solutions for Financial Institutions.

We have solutions for financial institutions, with the flexibility to adapt to the needs of their clients.

Customer loyalty solutions

Solutions to help you deploy loyalty programs

Collection solutions

Solutions that will facilitate the collection process with your clients

Point of sale financial solutions

Solutions that leverage the network of more than 300 thousand businesses

Loan solutions

We allow you to grant loans quickly and efficiently

Processing solutions

Solutions designed for your card acceptance

Instant transfer solutions

Solutions designed for your card acceptance

Customer Loyalty Solutions.

Solutions that will help you deploy loyalty programs such as point redemption, discounts or programs focused on a client base.

¿What services does it offer?


We manage your points or miles program and your discounts program.

Benefits supervision

We credit and invoice the points or miles and discounts to your partner businesses.

Awards & Messages

We manage your communication and awarding program. We offer you the option of segmenting the campaign in different ways, and we print the message on the customer’s voucher.

¿What benefits do they generate?

Benefits for your client

  • They enjoy discounts in the establishments you define.
  • The benefit is obtained online before paying with their debit and credit card or at the time of purchase.
  • They feel rewarded for contracting your products and services.

Benefits for your company

  • Incentivize your company’s sales and increase the purchase ticket.
  • Provide benefits for your clients in real-time and be able to segment the rewards to be given.
  • The businesses where the discounts are redeemed receive the credit in 2 days.

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Collection Solutions.

Solutions that will facilitate the collection process with your clients.

¿What services does it offer?

Bill payments

Solution that allows incorporating the debt payment QR in the customer’s account statements so that they can make the payment with a wallet.

Recurring payments

Solution that allows affiliation to recurring collections of your cardholders from different channels.

Debt payment online

Solution that allows your clients to pay their debts online with any debit or prepaid card.

Multibank Agent Solutions

Solution that allows Niubiz affiliated businesses to offer the possibility of performing different banking operations, both withdrawals and deposits.

¿What benefits do they generate?

Benefits for your client

  • They will be able to pay easily and quickly from a single place.
  • They will be able to pay with any debit card they have.

Benefits for your company

  • Facilitates the collection process.
  • Improves the value proposition of its digital channels, providing more payment options.
  • Provides payment security with our anti-fraud systems.

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Point of sale Financial Solutions.

Solutions that leverage the network of more than 300 thousand businesses nationwide.

¿What services does it offer?

Cash withdrawal

Service that allows your clients to withdraw cash from their debit card through Niubiz commerce network.

Interest-free installments

Service that allows the cardholder to purchase in interest-free installments. We also take care of charging an additional commission to your partner business.

¿What benefits do they generate?

Benefits for your client

  • Saves the trouble of going to withdraw cash through conventional means.
  • The benefit of being able to buy in interest-free installments.

Benefits for your company

  • The benefit of being able to buy in interest-free installments.
  • Choose the businesses where interest-free installments can be made.
  • Reduce costs in ATM money management and other channels.
  • Promote the use of credit cards.

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Loan Solutions.

We allow you to grant loans quickly and efficiently by reaching new and more clients.

We provide you with relevant information about our businesses for your credit score.

We take care of the disbursement and we take care of the collection of the loan installment.

Two fronts:

  1. Landing of the financial institution.
  2. Market place for loans from Niubiz’s VendeMas APP.

¿What benefits do they generate?

Benefits for your client

  • They will be able to access financing without a credit history.
  • They will be able to access financing digitally.
  • They will have greater ease of payment through daily withholdings from their sales.

Benefits for your company

  • Expands your client portfolio.
  • Prioritized debt payments through sales discounts.
  • Mitigates the risk of non-payment.

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Processing Solutions.

Solutions designed for the acceptance of your card in the network of more than 300 thousand businesses nationwide, as well as providing you with the necessary security and standards through cryptogram capture or fraud prevention tools.

¿What services does it offer?

Acquisition, Local Processing and Private Brands Solutions

Service that accepts your card brand through a network of more than 300 thousand businesses.

Issuer Solutions

Point of sale capture with security parameters for your retail.

¿What benefits do they generate?

Benefits for your company

  • Private brand solutions: Take advantage of the capillarity of Niubiz businesses and Niubiz VendeMás to generate acceptance of your private brand card or wallet through different face-to-face and non-face-to-face methods.
  • Issuer solutions: Cost reduction in the implementation of new hardware in retail for card capture with the necessary security standards.

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Instant Transfer Solutions.

Instant transfers through Visa Direct.

¿What services does it offer?


Solutions that will allow you to make instant person-to-person transfers.

Funds dispersion

Solution that will allow you to disburse funds online for different cases of use: to business, to cardholders, others.

¿What benefits do they generate?

Benefits for your client

  • They will be able to access funds immediately, they will not have to wait.
  • Transfers in a secure way, complying with all the PCI security protocols.
  • They will be able to have acceptance at any time and place without complications. 100% online payment.

Benefits for your company

  • Increase customer satisfaction.
  • Confidence in a flexible and scalable solution.
  • Provide your customers with new services and payment flows that keep pace with their day-to-day lives.

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Our solutions have achieved.

+300 thousand

Affiliated businesses

+850 thousand

Redemptions of discounts and points


Accepted loyalty programs

Main clients.

Contact us.

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Comunicación sobre tratamiento de datos personales para soluciones NIUBIZ VENDEMAS

Te informamos que los datos brindados a Compañía Peruana de Medios de Pagos S.A.C. (Niubiz) podrán ser transferidos a Soluciones y Servicios Integrados SAC. (Niubiz Vendemas) en caso el producto o servicios requerido por el usuario sea ofrecido por esta empresa, la cual tratará estos datos personales para los fines necesarios de la contratación de soluciones, las cuáles comprenden: (i) Contactarnos contigo para brindarte mayor información o asesorarte sobre la solución y/o producto, en caso nos lo hayas solicitado; (ii) Coordinar contigo sobre los aspectos relacionados al proceso de compra o solicitud de alguna solución y/o producto ; (iii) Realizar la gestión asociada a la afiliación a nuestros servicios, en caso corresponda; En base a ello, Niubiz Vendemás utilizará tu información únicamente para las mencionadas finalidades, y tratará tus datos en tanto sean necesarios o revoques tu consentimiento. Podrás ejercer tus derechos dirigiéndote a la sección de Derechos ARCO que se encuentra publicada en nuestra página web.

Te invitamos a consultar nuestra Política de Privacidad - Vendemas para conocer mayor información sobre el tratamiento de tus datos cuando resultan necesarios.

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