Solutions for Virtual Payment Facilitators

We have solutions that adapt to the needs of your clients with simple Apis integrations and different functionalities that generate added value.

Multibrand authorization

Integration with access to all the brands in the market

Tokenization, authentication and antifraud

Solutions that provide security and customer awareness with reduced fraud risk

Simplicity in your business operations

Solutions that improve the efficiency of operations

Value-added Services

Solutions to help improve approval ratios and the shopping experience

Multibrand authorization.

Integration in which all brands in the market can be accessed.

¿What services does it offer?

Card on file

Indicator that allows you to process transactions without CVV in a secure manner.


API of recurrence authorization for automatic collections.


With CVV for occasional payments and without CVV with card on file indicator for frequent payments.

¿What benefits do they generate?

Benefits for your client

  • Improve your customer’s payment experience
  • More collections channels
  • More collection options for their business

Benefits for your company

  • Simplicity in integration
  • Improvement in the approval ratio
  • Allows processing of transactions with automatic or manual capture

¿Necesitas saber más acerca de Soluciones Financieras en el Punto de Venta? Nosotros te contactamos.

Tokenization, authentication and antifraud services.

Solutions that provide security and client awareness with reduced fraud risk.

¿What services does it offer?


Allows the card to be securely saved for use in future purchases


Validates your client’s identity


Validates the fraud risk of transactions

¿What benefits do they generate?

Benefits for your client

  • Secure card enrolment for the prevention of fraudulent transactions
  • Builds trust, due to lower risk at the time of purchase
  • Increased transactions due to greater customer loyalty as a result of being in a secure environment

Benefits for your company

  • Smart fraud prevention system that allows you to manage the rules according to your client’s business model

  • Security in card data handling
  • Minimizes the risk of identity theft

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Simplicity in your business operations.

Solutions that improve the efficiency of operations.

¿What services does it offer?

API of multibrand returns

Return a settled transaction quickly and easily

API of chargebacks

Reception of notifications, verification of status and submission of evidences

¿What benefits do they generate?

Benefits for your client

  • Speed in the resolution of claim processes
  • Complete visibility of the status of returns and disputes
  • 24/7 availability to use return and dispute management services

Benefits for your company

  • Simplicity in the return and chargeback processes expediting operational management

  • Facility to manage the return of settled transactions and disputes, without the need to resort to external platforms

¿Necesitas saber más acerca de Soluciones Financieras en el Punto de Venta? Nosotros te contactamos.

Value-added services.

Solutions that help improve the approval ratios and the shopping experience

¿What services does it offer?


Displays the amount in the local currency of the foreign card

Card updater

Updates and keeps the payment method current

Card validator

Verifies the validity and activity of the card

BIN lookup

It allows you to know the type of card and the acceptance of payment in installments

¿What benefits do they generate?

Benefits for your client

  • Improves the shopping experience, thanks to local currency processing with preferential exchange rate
  • By having more cards updated and current, the collection opportunity is increased
  • Opportunity to differentiate card types through asset queries, allowing you to generate new sales channels, products and adhoc offers

Benefits for your company

  • Business opportunity with DCC to increase your income
  • Improves transaction approval ratios, thanks to the concepts of update, activation and validity

¿Necesitas saber más acerca de Soluciones Financieras en el Punto de Venta? Nosotros te contactamos.

Our solutions have achieved.

153% growth

In e-commerce volume

99.96% availability

The largest network in the country



of transactions by the end of 2020



in sales volume by the end of 2020

Main clients.

Contact us.

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Comunicación sobre tratamiento de datos personales para soluciones NIUBIZ VENDEMAS

Te informamos que los datos brindados a Compañía Peruana de Medios de Pagos S.A.C. (Niubiz) podrán ser transferidos a Soluciones y Servicios Integrados SAC. (Niubiz Vendemas) en caso el producto o servicios requerido por el usuario sea ofrecido por esta empresa, la cual tratará estos datos personales para los fines necesarios de la contratación de soluciones, las cuáles comprenden: (i) Contactarnos contigo para brindarte mayor información o asesorarte sobre la solución y/o producto, en caso nos lo hayas solicitado; (ii) Coordinar contigo sobre los aspectos relacionados al proceso de compra o solicitud de alguna solución y/o producto ; (iii) Realizar la gestión asociada a la afiliación a nuestros servicios, en caso corresponda; En base a ello, Niubiz Vendemás utilizará tu información únicamente para las mencionadas finalidades, y tratará tus datos en tanto sean necesarios o revoques tu consentimiento. Podrás ejercer tus derechos dirigiéndote a la sección de Derechos ARCO que se encuentra publicada en nuestra página web.

Te invitamos a consultar nuestra Política de Privacidad - Vendemas para conocer mayor información sobre el tratamiento de tus datos cuando resultan necesarios.

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