Solutions for Physical Payment Facilitators

We have solutions that fit your clients’ needs with secure and strong integrations that help your business growth.

Fast and Secure Payment Solutions

Basic functionalities that allow you to receive payments in person

Value-added services

Solutions that improve the management of the payment ecosystem

Simplicity in your business operations

Solutions that build end-customer loyalty

Fast and Secure Payment Solutions.

Basic functionalities that allow you to receive payments in person.

¿What services does it offer?


Allows you to securely authorize payments with credit and debit cards of any brand.


Allows a transaction to be canceled quickly and easily before the start of the batch closing process.

Automatic reversal

Helps to avoid double charging the consumer by reversing the previous transaction if no response was obtained.

¿What benefits do they generate?

Benefits for your client

  • Facilitates the consumer payment experience
  • Greater collection options for your client’s business
  • You don’t limit your sales to the amount of cash your client may have

Benefits for your company

  • Use the globally recognized standard and certified secure processing messaging (ISO8583)
  • When integrated, you can have a your disposal not only the basic functionalities, but also additional value-added functionalities that make the difference

¿Necesitas saber más acerca de Soluciones Financieras en el Punto de Venta? Nosotros te contactamos.

Value-added solutions to commerce.

Solutions that improve the management of the payment ecosystem.

¿What services does it offer?


Divides the amount of the transaction in equal parts

Deferred fees

Divides the amount of the transaction in equal parts with initial payment deferral

Interest-free installments

Divides the amount of the transaction in equal parts without interest


It allows you the option to add tips to the transaction amount


Reserves the amount on the consumer’s line of credit to be confirmed at a later time

Fast pay

The consumer pays quickly and securely without the need for a signature (credit card) or security code (debit card). Applies to certain wire transfers and even a set amount

¿What benefits do they generate?

Benefits for your client

  • Improves consumer experience by offering a range of payment alternatives
  • Increased transactions through a greater customer loyalty

Benefits for your company

  • Integration of each functionality upon demand

  • Increased client portfolio by offering specialized solutions according to the line of business

¿Necesitas saber más acerca de Soluciones Financieras en el Punto de Venta? Nosotros te contactamos.

Solutions to grow your income.

Solutions that build end-customer loyalty

¿What services does it offer?


Displays the amount in the local currency of the foreign card


The customer can withdraw money from the debit card when making a purchase transaction

Prize message

Establish loyalty campaigns and sweepstakes

¿What benefits do they generate?

Benefits for your client

  • Improves the shopping experience of your foreign customers by paying in their local currency
  • Increased customer flow due to cash withdrawal option
  • Build customer loyalty through campaigns or sweepstakes

Benefits for your company

  • Generate additional income by offering transactions with DCC

  • Increase your client portfolio by offering specialized solutions according to the line of business
  • Flexibility to manage campaigns according to your needs

¿Necesitas saber más acerca de Soluciones Financieras en el Punto de Venta? Nosotros te contactamos.

Our solutions have achieved.



in e-commerce volume



The largest network in the country



of transactions by the end of 2020

S/ 66


in sales volume by the end of 2020

Main clients.

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Te invitamos a consultar nuestra Política de Privacidad - Vendemas para conocer mayor información sobre el tratamiento de tus datos cuando resultan necesarios.

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